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Ottoman Art Test

I recently turned in an art test for a modeling position. The test was to model an ottoman from a reference photo in under 20k and UV it. Overall the test was fairly simple and self explanatory. I completed the model and UV unwrapped it in Maya within the time frame, and spent an additional hour putting it in engine, setting up the lights, and writing logic to switch out the materials on the ottoman model.

I had a bit more time after the test to put the model in engine, since the job was for modeling furniture, my goal was to allow the user to view the ottoman from all angle with in any material. Essentially my goal was to create a more interactive way to view furniture for the user. The majority of the setup was setting up lighting and finding textures that resemble the cloth material on the furniture. Next was just writing a script to have the model rotate overtime and swapping out materials from a button based on the parameters.

My next step would be to create custom textures for the ottoman and apply them to the UVs. If I had more time, I would have also like to allow the user to manually rotate around the ottoman, open and close it, and change the lighting to see the ottoman in different environments.

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